Functionalized PFPE

  • Perfluoropolyether acyl fluoride
Perfluoropolyether acyl fluoride

Perfluoropolyether acyl fluoride

  • Sunoit Code: SNY-COF
  • CAS No: 65208-35-7
  • Purity: more than 98%
  • Description: SNY-COF is a series acyl fluoride functionalized perfluoropolyether fluids with all kinds of average molecular weights.


CAS No: 65208-35-7
Purity: more than 98%

SNY-COF is a series acyl fluoride functionalized perfluoropolyether fluids with all kinds of average molecular weights.

The perfluoropolyether acyl fluoride prepared by the polymerization of hexafluoropropylene oxide (HFPO) can form all types of derivatives such as PFPE alcohols, carboxyl PFPE, PFPE esters and PFPE amides. Therefore, SNY-COF is important intermediate of downstream PFPE products.
